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lauren craig:
on the tip of my tongue

Part of the Spaces to Speak project, ‘On the Tip of My Tongue’ (commissioned by talking on corners) is cultural futurist Lauren Craig’s creative response to five interviews between Lorna Rose and global majority creatives in Plymouth.


Watch our short film HERE to find out more about Spaces to Speak: Stage 2 and commission.


Inviting conditions for ‘ethical cultural memory’ and collective intelligence, Craig’s curatorial and creative practice includes working with archives and oral histories. talking on corners' aim was to balance the interviewees’ often-emotional oral stories with global majority creativity and joy.

The project culminated in what Craig describes as a ’cross-disciplinary, multisensory experience that includes a sonic installation of nine parts, that renders, protects and nourishes the interviewees’ creative deposits.’



Supported by funds from Arts Council England and project partners Plymouth Culture, Barbican Theatre, Association for Art History and Plymouth’s City Centre Company, with additional support from Real Ideas and Switch Systems. A special thank you to Neil Rose (sound), Robert Hills (blacksmith) and Ian Hankey (glass) for their incredible work.

©talkingoncorners ©shbcreativecontent 2024

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